Credits Page
Well this is the end of my site.I hope you've enjoyed it.If there's any
thing I need to do, or take out, or Add,or anything just e-mail me at Rumiko-chan116@hotmail.com. Oh! Before you leave don't forget to sign my guestbook.
Come back soon...
If you don't,I'll,I'll,I'll skwish you!!!!!!!Hahahahahahah!!!!!!(that
was really creepy)
I wanna give credit to:
- Amber Muck
- Tripod
- And any one who's art I have on my web site.

Just kidding!!!!See Ya!!!!
Warning:you may take any pictures,but you must
give me credit.If you do take my pictures and not give me credit I will shutdown my site.thank you.
New features will be added